Mother's Day


Motherhood did not come to me easily. Mothering does! My Kadin said to me today "It's Mother's Day! Don't you remember?" My thought was of course I remember...How could I forget my 3 beloved ones. Every day is cherished when a battle is fought to gain something. My people that call me mom, mama, mommy are my joy, my strength, my weakness, my heartbeat! I LOVE being mom. It took me a while to feel worthy of the title though...I felt and sometimes still feel like I have to earn it. However, I have so many amazing examples of mothers in my life. I have more friends than I can count that inspire me to be a better woman, wife and mother. I have women in my circle that have faced what seemed like insurmountable obstacles and continue to look to God as their strength, put one foot in front of the other and "just do the next thing." I have birth mothers that I think are absolute heroes of sacrificial love and grace and adoptive or foster moms that choose to nurture in very difficult situations.  My own mom...she is full of contemplation and competition. She is steady and strong and always willing to help! My grandmothers who are great examples of family, unconditional love and strength. My sisters who are my role models of independence and creativity and fun. My mother in law who even in a weakened body was still full of humor and propriety and my grandmother in law that was the most determined woman I have ever known. My heritage of powerful praying women is unmatched. I am honored to be called their inheritance.

I am extremely blessed to be a mom but I am more blessed by the mothers in my life! I am inspired and encouraged and recharged with the role of being a mom.  Thank you Isabella, Quinn, and Kadin for making me a mama... for Mandi, Frances and Raegan for trusting me to fill your place...for Mike for helping me daily to grow and to God for allowing me to feel and experience your "mama" heart every day.

In the words of another nurturing mother from my life who is within days of opening her eyes in the presence of Jesus... "I just want to meet with as many people as I can in as many days as I have left and tell them that Jesus loves them."

HAPPY MOTHER'S all not just moms!