Online Listening Circles
for parents of lgbtqia+ kids
It has been said that when children of Christian parents come out of the closet, some parents go in.
It can be an isolating and disorienting time for parents when kids (adult age or child age) come out around gender and sexual identity. Big emotions like anger, shame, sadness, fear, confusion, overwhelm…just to name a few… can flood in feeling like an earthquake has shaken family and faith.
The core tenant of Christ shaped faith is that God is with us. The “with-ness” of God continues in the earth shaking or shattering moments of life, but the noise and chaos can deafen and isolate us.
Parents need a safe and confidential group of fellow parents to come alongside of them. Ones who can listen and hold each other’s story with compassion and care. Listening Circles are places to share experiences of disorientation and together listen for God’s presence and invitation for healing and reorientation.
Listening Circles for parents of kids who come out will be hosted by Lacy Finn Borgo. These groups of no more than six parents will be prescreened and the members will meet monthly for two hours.
For more information, please complete the form below.