Good Dirt Ministries

“Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, of which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of astounding destiny, calling us home unto itself.”

—Thomas R. Kelly


Why the name Good Dirt? There’s just something about dirt. The plants that feed us are seeded in dirt. Trees that offer us oxygen, fruit and shade are rooted in dirt. Worms and prairie dogs live in the dirt. Dirt paths packed by creature feet take us from here to there. From dirt we came and from dirt we will return. Dirt matters, just ask any farmer or muddy child. Good dirt will help grow a garden big enough to feed the world. Good dirt enables trees to stand tall, roots grass for the hillside, and cultivates habitat for countless living things. 

The human soul reminds me of dirt. A connected and centered soul will grow more and more hospitable to self, God and other. There are storms and thorns, fire and drought; but even these are part of connected and centered soul soil. The Beloved Gardener* reaches in elbow deep in soul soil and works in nitrogen, moisture, and nutrients. Through the Gardener's work a greater, deeper more authentic love of God, love of neighbor and love of self grows. 

Good Dirt is the ministry of Lacy Finn Borgo (learn more about me here.) I walk with folks in their life with God through spiritual direction for adults and children, and through books, curriculum and articles. Douglas V. Steere says it best,

“To listen another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another.” (On Listening to Another) “No other person can ever chart a course for you, but a friend and a host who is really present can at times firm up what you in your own deepest heart have already felt drawing at you.” (On Being Present Where You Are)

*in John 20:15 Mary mistakes Jesus for the gardener. Frankly, I don't think it was a mistake.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a way of companioning with people in their life with God. Spiritual directors offer the gift of listening to both the directee and listening to the movement of the Spirit.

Learn more about Spiritual Direction →


resources: books and Videos

When I read the gospels I find that Jesus used his words judiciously. He had something to say. His words gave life and direction. His words communicated the love of God. That is what I seek. From this space I have written a few things. It is my hope and prayer that they in some way communicate life and love. 

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In this space we'll kick around a few thoughts about what it means to live in this world of wonder, wound and withness.

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